Nintendo Launches Pokken Tournament On Wii U Platform; To Be Released In 2016

| Dec 17, 2015 07:15 AM EST

Pokken Tournament On Wii U Platform

Bandai Namco Tekken Series is launching the Pokken Tournament, an arcade-based Pokémon fighter. It will be available in Wii U platform in March 2016. 

According to Geek, Play-Asia is now advertising the Nintendo official controller made by Hori Erio controller.  This new platform  has a front-facing ZR and ZL buttons. It is also wired and there is no battery that needs to be charged.

The Nintendo does not limit the use of Pokken Tournament, there are a number of games that do not require Wii U controller to play. The First-print Wii U copies of the game will be packaged with a Shadow Mewtwo Amiibo card, which will immediately unlock the character to use.

According to the Pokemon website, Nintendo Co., Ltd. is selling Pokken Tournament package with a limited number of units.  Each package contains the same body peripherals as the Fist Poken Tournament Battle Pokemon action list.

In the other news, the Pokken Tournament has numbers of characters to play, but not all Pokémon characters is a fighting Pokémon. Currently, there are eleven main characters available, Machamp, Lucario, Gardevoir, Suicune, Pikachu Libre, Blaziken, Gengar, Weavile, Charizard, Sceptile and Pikachu.

Some of the supporting characters are also available to be used such as Farfetch'd, Electrode, Emolga, Snivy, Fennekin, Eevee, Frogadier, Lapras, Jirachi, Mismagius, Whimsicott and Ninetales.

The controller and the Wii U bundle will be officially released in Japan with an expected price of $34.99 the same day of Pokken Tournament. This is also expected to be available in Europe and North America in the second quarter of 2016.

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