Ra's al Ghul Confirmed To Apepar In DC's 'Legends of Tomorrow'

| Dec 20, 2015 08:10 PM EST

Our team of heroes as they prepare to take out the villain, Vandal Savage, in the upcoming CW DC series, "Legends of Tomorrow." The series will air on January 16, 2016.

Matt Nable's Ra's al Ghul is returning to the world of DC on the CW, but instead of making another appearance on Arrow, he'll do so on "Legends of Tomorrow." We're not certain if Ra's had survived his battle with Oliver, but somehow we doubt it. 

Ra's did die at the hands of Oliver, and as such, a new Ra's al Ghul was crowned to lead the "League of Assassins" to do what they do best. 

While it was not confirmed by ComicBook.com in what way Matt Nable's character would appear in "Legends of Tomorrow," we have reasons to believe it will have everything to do with time travel. The team will likely come across the character during a time before he died, but what will come of this encounter is still left to be seen. 

It should be interesting to see if Damien Darhk will interact with Ra's al Ghul in "Legends of Tomorrow" seeing as the character is set to appear. Furthermore, we hope the writers venture into the past where Darhk and Ra's were close friends before an untimely betrayal. 

"Legends of Tomorrow" is destined to air on the CW come January 16, 2016. The show will have characters such as the Atom, White Canary, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Fire Storm, Rip Hunter, Hawk Girl, and Hawk Man in leading roles. The aim will be to travel through time in a bid to stop an immortal madman, Vandal Savage. 

In the final crossover episode of "The Flash" and "Arrow," the team killed Savage, but the new Ra's al Ghul took his remains for some strange reason.

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