Hoverboard Is The Hottest Sex Toy Now; ‘Hoversex’ Is a Thing

| Dec 22, 2015 01:37 AM EST


The latest toy that is taking the stores by storm is now being used as a sex toy, resulting to "hoversex".

Amid reports of some hoverboards exploded that destroyed some homes, hoverboards are a product from a fantasy of people being able to fly. While not being able to fulfill the flying part, it is a portable Swegway that makes kids cooler because skateboards are harder to maneuver.

It is a top holiday gift this year, but according to Broadly, some couples are having "hoversex," which is coupling while on a hoverboard.

The publication interviewed a couple that is doing it. The couple drew a diagram showing how they do it. No, hoverboards are not being inserted in any orifice. The couple said that there is a certain allure on hoversex making it exciting and that they did it several times.

Meanwhile, some toys can be dangerous, especially when used improperly or designed poorly. There have been reports of hoverboards bursting into flames. Apparently, hoverboard problems are related to defective, cheap lithium-ion batteries, so consumers should look for quality branded batteries.

It is still unknown whether hoverboards is just a fad or a mainstay. However, it is suggested that hoverboards must be properly labeled, so we can manage hazards related to toys to keep risks low.

Authorities are reminding parents to be cautious when giving this toy as a gift for the holidays, especially when fake devices are out in the market increasing the risk.

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