NBA Trade Rumors: DeMarcus Cousins Not Being Dealt; Sacramento Kings Only Trade Involves Caron Butler

| Dec 23, 2015 12:26 PM EST

DeMarcus Cousins

Would no news be good news for the Sacramento Kings?

The rumor that shook the foundations of the NBA regarding the possible trade of DeMarcus Cousins to the Miami Heat has been shot down by both teams and the Sacramento Kings take it further.

In a report on the general trade outlook throughout the league, ESPN said "Kings general manager Vlade Divac was adamant this week when he told ESPN.com that Cousins is 'off the table.'"

This is a familiar tune for Sacramento, and it simply proves that Cousins is one of the most coveted commodities in the league despite all the negative publicity hurled at him. The Kings have repeatedly denied any trade talks involving the only star in their team, the only constant player in the six seasons(including this one) he has spent in the league.

While it should be established that Cousins will not be traded in the immediate future, this does not mean that all the Kings' problems are solved. According to NBA.com's David Aldridge, the situation still persists.

"I think you're naive in the extreme, or a hardcore Kings fan, if you think it's going to work long term between DeMarcus Cousins and George Karl," Aldridge shared. "But that doesn't mean the Kings have to make a lopsided deal to satisfy some artificial deadline."

The Kings will still be a relevant franchise to watch, win or lose,  as long as Cousins is around. Why would they give that up?

Aldridge continues: "It would be better for Sac to get through the trade deadline intact (other than dealing Caron Butler, which ESPN.com reported last week would happen at Butler's request); for this franchise, continuity matters."

What the Kings need is more stability, and trading Cousins, despite his volatile behavior, virtually eliminates any chance of developing that.

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