$20,000 Hoverboard That Really Flies Available By April 2016

| Dec 25, 2015 06:50 AM EST


ARCA Space Corporation will release in the market a hoverboard that really flies, not just roll on the ground unlike most hoverboards sold. To make its product fly, ARCA placed 36 fans that would lift up the board, which weighs 243 pounds, one foot off the ground.

Although the ARCA hoverboard really flies, it lasts only for three to six minutes and then the hi-tech, but expensive, toy would need another charge. However, while hoverboards are literally and figuratively the hottest Christmas gift in 2015, the one made by ARCA may not fly off the shelf when it becomes available on the market by mid-April 2016.

That's because its price tag is $19,900. AJC points out that it costs more than a 2015 base-model Honda Civic that could accommodate five people and run longer.

To drum up interest in the pricey toy, ARCA, in a video, teases with the question: "What if we could all experience flying? What if, for a moment, every person on planet Earth could live out their dreams?"

In a dig at other so-called hoverboards, CNET quotes Brian Tong as saying, "It has two wheels and you've hear it being called a hoverboard." Prices of these "ordinary" hoverboards range from $400 to $1,500.

Instances of these self-balancing scooters exploding and burning are because of faulty battery, explains Popular Science. Reports of explosion led Amazon to ban several popular models of hoverboards, while airlines have also prohibited it.

Before the spread of news of exploding hoverboards, which has reach 12 instance so far, came out, eBay sold over 5,000 units on Black Friday and one every 12 seconds on Cyber Monday.

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