California University Nutrition Expert Accepted $550,000 Grant From Coca-Cola

| Dec 29, 2015 06:45 AM EST

A customer takes a bottle of Coca-Cola from a grocery store fridge in Melbourne

A professor from the University of California who is known for pioneering a global campaign to fight obesity recently accepted a grant from Coca-Cola worth $550,000. Reports also claim that the professor is scheduled to travel to international locations in order to appear in speaking engagements at the expense of the soft drinks manufacturer.

The professor, James Hill, is a nutrition expert who is also the director of Anschutz Health and Wellness Center. Hill also accepted Coca-Cola's help in running conferences for journalists in order to provide a balance in terms of obesity debate.

The latest news involving Coca-Cola and a prominent nutrition expert show just how influetial large companies are in terms of medical researches and studies.

In a statement acquired by Denver Post, Coca-Cola spokesperson Ben Sheid said, "This reflects work with Dr. Hill prior to the establishment of Global Energy Balance Network. These funds paid for honoraria, travel, education activities and research on weight management."

Using Coca-Cola's grant, Hill was able to travel to Mexico, England, Grenada, New Zealand and Australia in order to appear on various speaking engagements. It appears that Coca-Cola also paid for travel expenses of Hill's wife.

There are reports claiming that Hill asked the vice president of Coca-Cola if they could hire his youngest son into the company.

Colorado Ethics Watch director Luis Toro told The Independent that Hill's acceptance of grants from Coca-Cola may conflict with certain state laws that limit corporate gifts to public servants. Hill claims that he no longer appears in speaking engagements and presentations requested by Coca-Cola.

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