LeBron James Stars At Latest Virtual Reality Training Documentary

| Dec 29, 2015 06:48 AM EST

Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James stars in the latest training guide released for the virtual reality platform called "Striving for Greatness."

NBA superstar and Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James stars in a recently unveiled virtual reality training guide. Known as "Striving for Greatness," the 12-minute training guide presented in virtual reality is a joint project from Samsung, Oculus and Uninterrupted.

Uninterrupted is a production company which was co-founded by James himself. The studio has previously released sample footages of the "Striving for Greatness" short documentary. The latest version of "Striving for Greatness" is the first version of the documentary which is viewable as part of the full virtual reality experience.

"Striving for Greatness" does not support the typical virtual reality setup, which means that users cannot move around in the virtual environment or interact with anything. However, the experience does provide a 360-degree view of the studio created by the Montreal-based Felix and Paul Studios, according to GameSpot.

Experts claim that the release of "Striving for Greatness" simply shows the massive appeal of James which is not only limited on sports and athletics but also on lifestyle and tech brands.

Virtual reality companies are currently facing rough times in selling the platform into a bigger crowd. The utter lack of availabe content stands as one of the biggest hindrance in the overall success of the virtual reality platform. The latest product from Samsung and Oculus will serve as a big push in marketing the virtual reality platform.

The Gear VR headset is currently available for $99. The "Striving for Greatness" short documentary can be downloaded on the Oculus store. Interested users can also access in through the Samsung Milk virtual reality app, according to Digital Trends.

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