NBA News: Philadelphia 76ers Will Bring Back Elton Brand For More Veteran Presence

| Jan 04, 2016 03:14 PM EST

Elton Brand

The Philadelphia 76ers, as expected with the Jerry Colangelo hire, will bring in some veteran presence.

Zach Lowe of ESPN (formerly of Grantland) deftly predicted their choice of veteran big man weeks before it was official, from his column on December 11, 2015.

"That's one change you can expect under new chairman of basketball operations Jerry Colangelo, and possibly before Christmas. The Sixers are going to sign another veteran to guide the flock. Keep an eye on Elton Brand."

He missed out on the exact time, but it was not a long delay before his prediction was confirmed.

The former Philadelphia 76er confirmed his return in SI's The Cauldron. Excerpts from his personal piece below.

"[My decision to return is] about repaying what's owed, about making sure that the young men who follow in my footsteps get what they're entitled to (and what I haven't always given them)."

"Now, here in Philadelphia, my adopted hometown, I'm excited to have a chance to do things differently - be a positive influence and help the organization get back on track."

His recognition of Philadelphia as his second home is remarkable. Now, he gets down to the specifics of his return.

He continued: "You might've noticed we've got a pretty talented kid on the roster in Jahlil Okafor, someone I happen to share some things in common with. Despite how he's been portrayed, I know Jahlil. He's a good kid with a good heart. He's not unlike most 20-year-olds you probably know, and he's definitely not at all different than most of his fellow players. Hell, if camera phones were around when Brad Miller, Ron Artest, and I were Jahlil's age, we might've been banned from the league altogether, never mind suspended for a few games."

Okafor, like Brand, is a product of Duke University and were mentored by Coach Mike Krzyzewski.

He notes that his "experience and wisdom" are what he hopes to impart to the young center. This signing may not move the needle on the Sixers 2015-16 campaign but it's a valuable investment in the long run.

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