• WWE SmackDown April 14 spoilers: Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho, AJ Styles vs. Alberto Del Rio and more

WWE SmackDown April 14 spoilers: Sami Zayn vs. Chris Jericho, AJ Styles vs. Alberto Del Rio and more (Photo : Twitter/WWE)

In this week's WWE SmackDown, AJ Styles was injured by Alberto Del Rio. However, he seemed to be recuperating as he took to Twitter and stated. WWE SmackDown April 14 results showcase some interesting fights and outcomes.

Warning: This article contains the complete spoilers for WWE SmackDown. Read to know more.

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WWE SmackDown April 14 results

The event starts with Miz TV and it is hosted The Miz (current WWE Intercontinental Champion) and Maryse, Wrestlezone reported.

Meanwhile, Zack Ryder interrupts him and Miz behaves like Ryder would get another chance to fight for the title. However, The Miz tells him that he is going up against Baron Corbin.

Baron Corbin vs. Zack Ryder

In this match, as soon as the bell rings, Corbin goes after Ryder. However, Dolph Ziggler come to save. Later Corbin beats Ryder in the match.

Emma vs. Paige

In a rather brief match, Emma beats Paige.

WWE Tag Team Tournament

First Round

The Vaudevillains vs. Golden Truth

R-Truth & Goldust also known as Golden Truth are defeated by The Vaudevillains. The winner will meet The Usos.

Apart from this match, The Ascension vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass also happens. In this bout, The Ascension are defeated by Amore and Cass.

The winner of this match will go up against The Dudley Boyz.

AJ Styles vs. Alberto Del Rio

The outcome of this match is in favour of Styles, however, one bad move by Rio results in a possible neck injury for Styles.

However, Styles answered a fan's query about his injury on Twitter.

Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn beats Jericho in this match through disqualification as Kevin Owens, who is in the commentary, interrupts the match. Dean Ambrose, who is also a part of the commentary, could not see what is happening and he too gets involved.

In other WWE news, John Cena reveals on "Larry King Now" that he does not resonate with UFC as he is more of a "storyteller."

"It's done great to establish itself as a brand, but in comparison with us, it doesn't resonate with me just because I'm a storyteller," Cena said on the show via Fox Sports.

"I enjoy the story that we can tell in the ring and like I said, I think we do it better than everyone."
Watch AJ Styles explains why he wants to go up against the best athletes in the world.

Credit: YouTube/WWE