Protagonist of "Uncharted" series, Nathan Drake, has been identified to be around 37 to 38 years old in "Uncharted 4." The result is still unconfirmed and was calculated based on some assumptions using the game's history.
Referring to some conversations during the opening of "Uncharted 3," it can be identified that Nathan is between these ages in "Uncharted 4," according to an estimate made by Twinfinite. Although Naughty Dog did not mention anything regarding this information, the report found a way to determine Nathan's current age in the newly released installment. In order to determine his true age, the article used several quotes which mentioned about how old Nathan was sometime in the past.
In his conversation with Sully during the opening of "Uncharted 3," Nathan recalled that he met Sully when he was 15 years old. Applying that information to the current time of game which is 20 years after, makes Drake's age in "Uncharted 3" at around 34 to 35 years old.
This was also proven to be true when it was related to another statement which mentioned about Drake being involved in a plane crash four years ago, making him around 30 to 31 years old in the first installment, 32 to 33 years old in the second installment and 34 to 35 years old in "Uncharted 3." The 37 to 38 years old range was calculated using these information and using the duration of period between "Uncharted 3" and "Uncharted 4" which has a three-year difference according to Naughty Dog.
Meanwhile, "A Thief's End" was able to reach number one in the United Kingdom Charts as of May 14, defeating "Doom," which is currently in second place. This is yet the best opening among all other installments and has become Naughty Dog's fastest selling entry in the UK, Metro reported.
The latest installment was able to defeat "Drake's Deception" by a significant difference of 66 percent. Among the top 10 UK Chart includes "Call of Duty: Black Ops" coming in third place, "Rachet and Clank," "Tom Clancy's The Division," "Far Cry Primal," "Grand Theft Auto," "FIFA 16," "LEGO Marvel's The Avengers," and "Star Wars Battlefront" coming from fourth to tenth place respectively.
Watch the official trailer of "Uncharted 4" for PS4 below.