• Mayuri and Nemu

Mayuri and Nemu (Photo : Twitter)

The big reveal about Mayuri's past was overlooked at Chapter 641 as the raging battle continues. Captain Mayuri may be running out of tricks.

The continuation of "Baby Hold Your Hand" featured Pernida's evolution pushing Mayuri even further and needing Nemu's help (despite his pride refusing to admit it).

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Mayuri figured out that Pernida can also absorb the powers and abilities of whomever his nerves touch when he sounded like Zaraku.  This ability makes Pernida a much more formidable opponent.

The chapter ends with Nemu on the run, and Mayuri being genuinely worried.

Mangahelpers Forum user "Holt" commented:

"Wow Mayuri is showing genuine concern for Nemu's well being. He's acting a lot less 'Mayuri-like' when it comes to her. Speaking of, Mayuri actually said her watching him was creepy."

The last statement refers to their discussion at the beginning of the chapter-when Mayuri surmises that Nemu is actually watching him intently-and this he finds "creepy."

This could be a clue with many implications: Mayuri does not completely control Nemu and her watching him is not under his orders. Is there another motive for Nemu?

Will we find out in the next chapter? As for this Pernida fight, or are we seeing the last of Nemu? Reddit user "nasiyifya" called it: "I'm expecting another 2-3 chapters. He still has yet to showcase his Vollstandig, and either Mayuri or Nemu will likely die next chapter."

It would be dramatic if Nemu's secret were revealed at her deathbed. She was referred to as "The Seventh" but it is not clear what exactly that means. The idea that she is a clone seems feasible, but of whom?

One possibility is Senjumaru but that might be too obvious. Let's see how Tite Kubo uses the element of surprise on Nemu's secret. The only question is, how many chapters will we see of Nemu? Will her possible death bring Mayuri into a rage that can finally end Pernida's rampage?

The last panel depicts "Fierce Emotions" in the next chapter..will Mayuri finally lose it?