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u=3128765460,753338864&fm=21&gp=0.jpg (Photo : bschool.hexun.com)

Huawei, Chinese information and communications technology giant has officially started doing business in Nepal on February 4, 2014.

During the company's launch in Kathmandu, Huawei representative Li Ji said their companies partnership with Nepal's state-owned telecommunication provider, the Nepal Telecom will usher in a most-welcome change in lives of Nepal's citizens.

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For his part Chinese ambassador to Nepal Wu Chuntai said that communicating is a key process in any country's performance and growth.

"The cooperation between Huawei and Nepal Telecom will bring benefits to telecommunications consumers as well as boosting Nepal's economic development," says Wu.

There is a growing demand for smartphones in Nepal as more and more Nepalese nationals need internet access anywhere they are. With Huawei's entry into the Nepalese market offering similar but cheaper products established players in the smartphone business now have to strategize to maintain a big chunk of the Nepalese market.

Huawei's presence in Nepal will now give Nepalese customers another option, said economic and commercial counselor at Chinese Embassy in Nepal, Peng Wei who wished for the success of the Huawei-Nepal Telecom partnership.

Anoop Ranjan Chattarai, Nepal Telecom's managing director said, "Thanks to Huawei even people in rural areas will have access to high-speed internet."

One of Huawei's authorized distributer, Call Mobility, made an announcement of the opening of "Experience Zone", where interested clients can personally see and experience for themselves the products and services that Huawei is offering.

Huawei's products and services are now used by over 30% of the world's population as its products and services are utilized in more than 140 countries.  The telecom giant has 200 employees in its Nepal country office and 70% of them are Nepalese.