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President Xi Jinping has called on the Communist Party of China (CPC) to hold a high regard for the country's historical culture and ruminate on it in order to govern the country better.

Speaking during the latest in a series of collaborative studies among the CCP Central Committee's Political Bureau, Xi said that the Party can learn from history as to which traditions to nurture and which to relinquish, reported Xinhua News.

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"Today's China is a development of yesterday's and the day before yesterday's China," the president said.

"In order to run today's China, we should not only grasp history and traditional culture, but also actively collect the discoveries and wisdom of state governance in ancient times."

Xi said that in studying and analyzing history, the CCP should be able to discern the traditions that are helpful to the further development of the country and those that are detrimental to the said cause.

"The absolutist attitude of accepting or dismissing them completely is out of the question," he said.

He also advised the Chinese people not to look down on themselves; instead, they should recognize that the traditional cultures of the country are vital to solving its problems.

"A country's governing system and capacity are closely related to its heritage and traditional cultures, and the answer to China's issues must be found in our own land," Xi said. He also intimated that cultural and historical elements have infused Chinese features into the socialist path.

Xi encouraged Party officials to learn from all human civilizations and use the wisdom they acquire from their studies in improving the modernization of the Chinese government.