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In another measure to promote law and order in China, the government is planning to set Dec. 4 as national Constitution Day. 

According to a draft bill, activities and events promoting the country's constitution will be held across the nation on the said Constitution Day. The bill was filed for deliberation at the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress' bi-monthly session starting from Oct. 27 to Nov. 1.

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The top legislative department of China adopted its current Constitution, which was based on a 1954 version, on Dec. 4, 1982.

The proposed national Constitution Day aims to promote awareness among the citizens of the country's Constitution, while promoting its spirit and reinforcing its implementation, said Legislative Affairs Commission director Li Shishi.

Last week, during the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee's Fourth Plenary Session, the committee promised to make improvements on socialist laws with Chinese characteristics.

The committee cited that China's Constitution must be the core of all regulations.

"Based on this, it is necessary for the NPC Standing Committee to set the national Constitution Day through legislative procedures," said Li.

The draft bill reads that a full implementation of the country's constitution is of utmost priority in order to advance the rule of law while building the country based on the core socialist aspects.

According to the submitted draft bill, no one, both organizations or individuals, is above the laws of the Constitution, and will be corrected if they violate the law.