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China will host an internet conference for business representatives worldwide. With topic centered on internet governance and responsibility, the event will take place in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, from Nov. 19 to 21.

Lu Wei, China's top internet regulator, believes that the conference will draw over 1,000 people concerned with the industry.

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The idea for the conference was spurred by expert suggestions that China should take bold steps to govern internet use, since the country is becoming increasingly connected.

According to China Internet Network Information Center, there were 500 million mobile internet users and 618 million internet users in the country by the end of 2013.

Furthermore, China's internet penetration rate increased from 42.1 percent in 2012 to 45.8 percent in 2013.

Since 2012, 54 million new internet users are being added every year. Meanwhile, 80 million people are gaining access to mobile internet every year.

The number of Chinese internet users has risen to over 630 million. Four of the top ten most successful internet companies also reside in China.

Experts have cited all these statistics to promote such conference, which will discussed topics like mobile internet, cybersecurity, cross-border e-commerce, internet governance and terrorism.

Representatives from different reputable companies will gather in the historic water town of Wuzhen for the conference. Certain to partake in the event are Jack Ma of Alibaba, Pony Ma of Tencent, Li Yanhong of Baidu and Fadi Chehade of ICANN. Samsung, Microsoft and Qualcomm representatives will aslo be present.