• Harrison Ford at Disney D23 Expo 2015

Harrison Ford at Disney D23 Expo 2015 (Photo : Jesse Grant | Getty Images Entertainment)

Did the recent "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" trailer confirm the rumors about Han Solo's death?

There was a scene in the recent Star Wars trailer that depicted Rey (Daisy Ridley's character) weeping profusely, apparently over the death of someone very close or important. (Watch it here)

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The scene has initiated speculation that there would be a major character dying in the film, and due to some previous alleged spoiler claims, the safe bet is on Han Solo.

What would make Rey cry over Han Solo in that manner? Cinema Blend claimed that there were already rumors that Rey is the child of Han Solo.

"With rumors of Rey being a child of Han and Leia, and the knowledge that she links up with Han and Chewie at some point in her journey, it wouldn't be a surprise if Han tagged along on a mission to Starkiller Base, only to tragically be taken out in the line of duty."

Along with this speculation, there is also the evidence from Making Star Wars which gave out some huge spoilers guaranteed to rock every die hard Star Wars fan to the core.

While this is an old rumor, it totally corroborates with the assumptions above. The writer claims this sequence of spoilers are fact: "This isn't rocky. This is verified as having been shot at Pinewood. These are scenes and the documented players in them. "

The full sequence as stated by Making Star Wars:

"The facts are this was shot at Pinewood:

  • This sequence takes place on the ramparts of The Evil Castle.
  • Han Solo is hiding.
  • He decides to reveal himself to Kylo Renn.
  • Finn, Rey, Chewbacca and BB-8 stop in their tracks.
  • They watch as Han Solo confronts Kylo Ren. Kylo Rnn silences the conversation forever.
  • Chewbacca lets out of a barrage of angry roars and laser blasts.
  • Kylo Ren flees the scene.
  • Explosions.
  • Stormtroopers file in and Finn and Rey are forced to flee.
  • More explosions.
  • BB-8 and Chewbacca flee to the Falcon.

Han Solo is never in a scene after this. Those are the facts."

Is this the last we will ever see of Han Solo?