• Knife

Knife (Photo : Pixabay)

Lorena Bobbit became famous when she cut her husband's penis off in 1993. Now, more than 20 years later, she reveals that her ex-husband has tried to contact her many times over the last 20 years wanting her back.

According to the Daily Mail on Nov. 10, Bobbit talked to Steve Harvey and said that every time her ex-husband would try to contact her, she would just delete his call and his phone number. Bobbit cut off John Wayne-Bobbit's penis with an eight inch knife. However, he did get it reattached later on.

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Bobbit was 24 years old when she cut her husband's penis off. According to her, she did this because she snapped because of all of the emotional and physical abuse she had endured from him over the years.

Lorena Bobbit also claimed, according to Hip Hop Wired, that she had endured being raped by John Wayne the night before. She says that she wanted to kill him the night she cut off his penis but ran as soon as she cut it off, got in her car, and threw the penis out the window into an open field before fleeing.

After, she ended up calling 911 because her conscious got the better of her. That was when doctors were able to reattach it to John Wayne's body. John Wayne went through a 9 hour surgery to have it reattached.

According to the report, Lorena Bobbit is now a symbol for battered women everywhere. She stopped by the Steve Harvey show to give everyone an update on what she has been up to since this incident happened before the days of Facebook status updates on the Internet ever existed.

Although Ms. Bobbit recalls that back then she was looking for the American Dream of a husband, children, a house with a white picket fence and a car, she was an immigrant from Ecuador; after all, she says that John Wayne turned into an abusive alcoholic.

Lorena Bobbit was found not guilty for what she did. John Wayne, on the other hand, went into porn and did two porn movies, one titled, "John Wayne Bobbit: Uncut" in 1994 and another one titled, "Frankenpenis" in 1996. After this, he got remarried and ended up in jail for beating his new wife.

Karma has caught up to John Wayne because almost a year ago to this day, he was in a car accident where he ended up breaking his neck.

Lorena Bobbit is happily married with a daughter now and is able to laugh off what she did back then.