• Catherine Élise "Cate" Blanchett is an Australian actress and theatre director.

Catherine Élise "Cate" Blanchett is an Australian actress and theatre director. (Photo : Facebook)

The latest rumors from "Thor: Ragnarok" has a tease on possible adversaries including a "major female villain."

The news comes from Lainey Gossip and they claim that the third installment of the Thunder God trilogy will be the platform to introduce female villain, and they described it as A-list level.

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"To that end, and empowered by their recent A-list success in casting 'Doctor Strange,' Marvel will pursue a big name actress for Mystery Villainess-like Cate Blanchett big."

Now, it was not very clear whether they were referring to Cate Blanchett herself or just an actress of Blanchett's caliber. The article was also accompanied by photos of Cate Blanchett, but that may not be relevant to their claim.

Along with the introduction of Valkyrie, "Ragnarok" promises to have a strong female representation. But who would the "major female villain" be?

The story takes off where "Avengers: Age of Ultron" left off (and possibly unaffected by "Civil War") at the point after Thor left Earth for Asgard. It is still unknown when and how the Hulk would join him though.

Thus, the setting for the film is presumed to be more of Asgard and the other realms as opposed to Earth. Screen Rant ran down the possible suspects and they do not take the possible Blanchett casting into consideration.

The list had Knorda , the queen of the Mountain Giants and Enchantress (not the Suicide Squad version) who already appeared in "Agents of SHIELD." But would those be "major enough?"

One guess off left field is Hela, the Asgardian goddess of Death and also Loki's child. However, since the Marvel Cinematic Universe is compressed, they might change the backstory so she's no longer Loki's child and that she would be the personification of Death in the MCU (as opposed to the comics where they are different beings).

Death plays a pivotal role as Thanos was in love with Death and his motivation to destroy the universe is his way to impress her.

It is perceived that Marvel Studios will pursue that plotline (Thanos in love with Death) in some way. Could "Thor: Ragnarok" be the venue?