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Facebook Book Club is Mark Zuckerberg's latest conquest as the New Year 2015 opens. His new year's resolution is to challenge his self to read a book every other week all year through. He puts emphasize on books that are about culture, beliefs, history and technology.

For Facebook members and users, the Facebook Book Club is a virtual book club that can be joined online.

Zuckerberg has created a page on his Facebook and inviting the Facebook community to come and join his objective and read a book with him. Join his page "A Year of Books," USA Today reported.  

The very first book title that came up on his "A Year of Books" page is entitled "The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn't What It Used to Be" by Moisés Naím.

As soon as it was posted on Facebook, the book was then out of stock on Amazon.com on Sunday and had a sales ranking of 138, Associated Press reported.

Around 50,000 Facebookers have sent different suggestions to Zuckerberg as to what his New Year resolution for 2015 should be. On the previous years, Zuckerberg's resolutions had been very wild and interesting which included for him to learn speaking Mandarin and to be able to meet a new person each day for a year.

However, the previous ones could have been much easier for his followers to do and keep up with his resolutions.