Monday, 7th, 2024 | 5:25AM Updated

A controversy sparked after the Yangtze River Airlines (YRA) refused to let a boy with autism board the plane.
Controversy Sparks After a Chinese Airline Refused to Board a Boy with Autism

A controversy sparked after the Yangtze River Airlines (YRA) refused to let a boy with autism to board the plane.

Is China prepared to take on the role of the U.S. in global leadership?
A New World Order in Place? China Evaluates as Global Leadership Hangs on a Tipping Point

Following U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s win in the recently concluded U.S. elections that saw the world in a standstill, the question of passing the torch of world leadership floats around given the probable withdrawal of the Western superpower into isolationism. As one of the major powers, China has been the center of attention to take on the challenge to lead an ever-growing globalization.

A portion of 10 STRONGEST Signs of Aliens and Alien Life.
NASA's Dawn space probe captured the unexpected in Ceres planet; Mars confirmed to be previously inhabited

NASA's Dawn space probe continues to shed more light regarding the mysterious bright spots on the surface of planet Ceres as the spacecraft captured new image of the dwarf planet in between the planet Mars and Jupiter.

Chinese firms plan to build a solar power plant within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Support for Renewable Energy: China to Build Solar Farm in Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone

Thirty years after the destruction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a couple of Chinese energy companies announced their plans to set up another energy harvesting facility within The Exclusion Zone of the damaged nuclear reactor—only this time a much safer solar power plant.

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A Russian teacher at an English training center in Shanghai was fired for shutting her students' mouths shut using adhesive tape.
China Tolerates No Child Abuse: Foreign English Instructor Sacked After Taping Students' Mouths Shut

A 25-year-old Russian teacher was recently fired from K&H International School after supposedly "mistreating" some of the children in her class.

Top 10 crazy Donald Trump moments.
Global Warming made in China, says Donald Trump claimed; US to exit Paris climate agreement?

Global Warming concerns seemed to have escalated with the unusual weather patterns and anomalies occurring on the earth's surface in the past years. However, such reason for concern is not being acknowledged by U.S. president-elect Donald Trump, claiming that climate change is a hoax invented by China.

Locations of TWAS General Meetings.
First Report on Biotechnology Developments in Developing Countries shows China in the Lead

The report lists China, India, Brazil and Mexico as having the most references and patents.

Air pollution is getting worse in China.
China Smog Battle: Government to Inspect Barbecue Outlets and Construction Sites

The government wants to eradicate air pollution and it will crack down on restaurants and construction sites.

A screengrab from the video of a man attacking his parents.
SHOCKING: Chinese Man Arrested for Beating Up Parents

Majority of us would be hyped if our parents bought us something nice. Perhaps the latest smartphone. Or maybe an entire flat. Well, not this guy. A Chinese man was recently caught on camera attacking his parents. The reason? They bought him an apartment that was "too small."

Gen. Raheel Sharif.
Pakistan Army is Ready to Fight a War against India, says its Chief of Staff

Gen. Sharif warned India the Pakistan army "will continue to respond effectively, leave no stone unturned to defend motherland."

One of the 10 People Who Died While Taking Selfies.
Death by selfie latest news: India No. 1 on 'Killfie'; Safety app being developed for ‘Pokemon Go’ players

Death by selfie has become a trend nowadays with rising incidents worldwide. Experts and researchers were led to conduct an investigation to somehow narrow down data that could be helpful in resolving the concern. And as of the latest statistics, India tops selfie deaths, followed by other countries including the US and Pakistan.

Montenegrin police arrest one of the pro-Russian plotters involved in the failed coup d’état .
Montenegro Names Two Russian Spies that Masterminded Failed Coup d’état against it

The Russians issued orders to carry out an "undetermined number of criminal acts of terrorism and the murder of highest ranking representatives of Montenegro."

Donald Trump calling Putin.
Nostradamus Predictions, Baba Vanga Prophecy: Either Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin the ‘Antichrist’; US, Russia, or China to bring end-times?

Nostradamus predictions and Baba Vanga prophecy have become popular references over time, especially relating to end of the world predictions and the coming of the Third Antichrist, Mabus.

According to Xie Zhenhua, China's special envoy on climate change affairs, the country is willing to share its best practices to help other developing countries fight climate change.
China’s Efforts to fight Climate Change Recognized in UN Conference

China’s efforts to fight climate change have been recognized in a new report during the United Nations conference on climate change in Marrakech, Morocco.

Miniature Wi-Fi has Potential to make the Internet of Things Inescapable

Researchers believe HitchHike could be incorporated into wireless devices over the next three to five years.

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