Monday, 7th, 2024 | 3:28PM Updated

Scott Morrison underscores the importance of considering national security in the issue of China's Ausgrid bid.
Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison Raises National Security Concern Over China's Ausgrid Bid

The Australian government is currently deciding whether to allow China's bid to buy a 99-year lease on half of Ausgrid. The firm is the major power distribution network in New South Wales.

China sees continued rise in demand for beef products.
Brazil Is China's Top Beef Import Source

As China's middle class grows, the country sees its import for beef products hitting record-breaking statistic. Currently, Brazil is China's biggest source of beef import.

Kidney stone. A team from the University of Houston led by Jeffrey Rimer has discovered a new molecule with the potential to be a more effective inhibitor of kidney stone formation.
Compound in Natural Fruit Extract Appears to Dissolve Most Common Kidney Stone Crystals

This finding could lead to the first advance in the treatment of calcium oxalate stones in 30 years.

About 30 percent of items sold on major Chinese e-commerce platforms fail quality standards.
Consumers to Be Entitled to Refund on Unsatisfactory Online Purchases

Under a draft regulation, consumers in China will now be entitled for a refund on returned items that did not satisfy their demand. The items will also be acceptable even if the packages are already broken.

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A Russian warship sails near the Heixiazi Island on the border between Russia and China's Heilongjiang Province.
Planned Land Crossings on China, Russia Border Island to Boost Tourism, Local Economy

The setting up of land crossings that will connect Heixiazi Island to both China and Russia is expected to boost tourism and local economy in the area, China Daily reported.

Specific Brain Training Exercises Reduce Dementia Risk across 10 Years

Older adults' risk for dementia was reduced by 48 percent over 10 years.

Oxygen mask used for asthma treatment
New Anti-Asthma Pill a Game Changer for Future Asthma Treatment

The drug is currently being evaluated in late stage clinical trials for efficacy in patients.

A nuclear power plant in Qinshan is being guarded by local police.
Nuclear Power Plant Protests Held in Jiangsu; Environmental Concerns Raised by Local Residents

Thousands of protesters went to the streets of Lianyungang, a city in Jiangsu, to protest the planned nuclear power plant development on Saturday night.

China's deficit for 2016 is estimated at 2.18 trillion yuan.
State Council Takes Various Measures to Reduce Taxes and Fees

The State Council has taken various measures to reduce taxes and fees. These steps include lowering bank fees and cutting electricity prices.

TEB is a hoax
China’s Transit Elevated Bus is a Money-making Scam designed to Fleece Investors

Media noted other peer-to-peer investing platforms in China have proven to be scams.

PLAAF Su-30MKK fighters over the South China Sea.
China Provokes US, Manila with Combat Air Patrol 220 km from Philippine Mainland

This belligerence is surprising since China has no maritime ally in Asia.

Sulfate veins prominent at Darwin outcrop veins, observed on sol 402 and (right) Garden City image, observed on sol 924. White sulfate veins cut through the surrounding sediments.
Evaporated Lakes on Mars Might Once have Harbored Primitive Life Forms

It suggests the sulphur and iron rich groundwater in Gale Crater was habitable by Earth standards.

 An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any apparent anomaly in the sky.
UFO sighting news: Artistic craft mistaken for a UFO as strange lights seen in Missouri generate speculations of alien invasion

A video of a strange UFO engaging in a low-speed pursuit, in broad daylight, with a squad car on the streets of Gorey, Ireland, has emerged online and caused numerous speculations of an intergalactic invasion. However, the UFO does not seem real like the ones aliens are pictured to have.

Italy's AC Milan was bought by Chinese consortium in a deal worth $825.8 million.
Italy's AC Milan taken over by Chinese consortium

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's family holding company, Fininvest SpA said on Friday, Aug. 5, that it has come to an agreement with a group of Chinese investors who are keen on buying Italian football club AC Milan. The deal values the club at €740 million ($825.8 million).

Face-to-face: Tourists gather near the bust of a young Mao Zedong and his wind-blown hair in Orange Isle in Changsha, Hunan Province. The isle loses its 5A tourist attraction rating this month.
‘Undercover Tourists’ Inspect Popular Destinations; Two Sites Lose Accreditation

The China National Tourism Administration conducted an undercover sort of inspection of tourist attractions in the country. Two famed sites got their 5A rating revoked, with three more on the verge of losing the said rating.

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