Wednesday, 9th, 2024 | 4:19AM Updated

Facebook recently rolled out an update for the Notes feature.
Mark Zuckerberg & Bono: Global Internet Access Achievable By 2020

As Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke at the United Nations (UN) this week, he is also teaming up with U2's Bono to achieve universal Internet access by the year 2020. Several celebrities and charities such as The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have signed the One organization's Connectivity Declaration.

Cosme Isle Hakui
Japanese UFO Museum Has Files With Alleged Proof Of Alien Life

Museum workers at the Hakui Centre for UFO Research in Japan found a document that indicate the FBI has evidence of alien life. These were allegedly three metallic, saucer-shaped objects.

Typhoon Dujuan
Airlines Cancel Flights As Typhoon Dujuan Batters Taiwan

Airlines serving Taiwan cancelled their flights on Monday because of Typhoon Dujuan which brought rainfall and wind to the Asian island. Besides cancelled flights, land travel was affected also and schools were closed.

Pirate Party On YouPorn: Party Runs Campaign Advertisements Featuring Austria’s Minister Of The Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner
Pirate Party On YouPorn: Party Runs Campaign Advertisements Featuring Austria’s Minister Of The Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner

Pirate Party of Austria is running an ad campaign featuring the Minister of Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner on YouPorn. The campaign is to make the people aware about surveillance. The campaign is being run on one of the major porn websites.

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The Peace Bottle signifies the common values and cooperative relationship between China and the U.N.
China Awards 'Zun of Peace' to UN for Its 70th Anniversary

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, President Xi Jinping and First Lady Peng Liyuan presented the Peace Bottle to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the U.N. headquarters in New York, according to a report by China Daily.

The current strategy of land allocation has been constantly criticized for not taking into account other aspects such as industrial structure and demographics.
Expert: Inefficient Allocation of Land Will Forego Development

During the 2015 Annual National Planning Conference held in China’s Guizhou Province, Guo Renzhong stated that if the problem of land allocation is tackled properly and efficiently, urban areas across the country can accommodate 3.4 billion people, according to a report by the Want China Times.

Archaeologists excavating the famous ancient Greek shipwreck that yielded the Antikythera mechanism have recovered more than 50 items including an intact amphora; a large lead salvage ring; two lead anchor stocks (possibly indicating the ship’s bow); frag
'Titanic of Ancient Greeks' Shipwreck Reveals More Incredible Artifacts

Archaeologists are discovering more significant finds from the Antikythera shipwreck, revealing the luxurious lifestyles of the ancient Greeks.

Chinese travelers are also becoming important players in the global shopping market.
Mutual Respect Between Chinese Travelers and Western Companies Important

As more Chinese travelers pack up their bags to explore more places, tourism professionals urged western merchants to respect Chinese culture and proclivities. In turn, Chinese travelers need to respect the local customs and culture of the places they visit.

CRISPR systems are found in many different bacterial species, and have evolved to protect host cells against infection by viruses.
Scientists Reveal New DNA Genome Editing System Better than CRISPR Cas9

New breakthrough research in genome editing reveals a better and more accurate way of editing DNA called the CRISPR Cpf1 system.

UC Davis researchers found plastic and fibrous debris in 25 percent of the fish sold in Indonesian and California markets.
Fish Sold in Markets Could Contain Plastic and Fiber Inside Their Guts

A new study reveals how plastic and fiber are found inside the guts of fish where a quarter of fish specimens in markets are found to have debris inside.

A still frame from a movie, illustrating an active galactic nucleus, with jets of material flowing from out from a central black hole.
Scientists Discover Colossal Black Hole 30 Times Bigger Than Expected

New research reveals how a certain galaxy contains a massive black hole that contains 350 million solar masses, making it 30 times larger than expected.

UFO in Russia
UFO Sighting Causes Car Crash In Russia

One person died and another was seriously hurt in Udmurt Republic, western Russia, when a vehicle crashed because of an alleged UFO sighting.

Walker Lake
California’s Walker Lake Dries Up, Kills Thousands Of Fish

Thousands of fish in Walker Lake in California have died after the lake dried up. The fish kill was because of the reservoir drying up overnight.

The Ebola virus yields a 90 percent fatality rate.
Teen Invents Fast and Portable $25 Ebola Test Kit

After winning the 2015 Google Science Fair, a 17 year old teen from Connecticut receives a $50,000 scholarship with her rapid and cheap Ebola diagnostic test kit.

Mars true-color globe showing Terra Meridiani.
Mars Mystery Solved? NASA Reveals Big Announcement on Monday

NASA will announce an important scientific finding about their Mars missions on Monday, September 28.

In Case You Missed It

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