Thursday, 10th, 2024 | 10:16AM Updated

New Yorck Ciry Explosion: 19 injured, 4 in critical condition
New York City Explosion: 19 Injured, 4 In Critical Condition

About 19 people were injured, and four of whom are in a critical condition after an explosion and seven-alarm fire razed down an apartment building along with three other structures in New York City's East Village on Thursday.

Saudi Arabia airstrikes in Yemen
Oil Prices Surge After Saudi Arabia Airstrikes In Yemen

Oil prices surged up as Saudi Arabia-the world's largest exporter of crude-together with its allies launched airstrikes on their rebel targets in Yemen.

NASA's Asteroid Redirect Mission will be launched in 2020.
Why Would NASA Give Our Moon Another Moon?

NASA's robotic Asteroid Redirect Mission to be launched on 2020 palns to grab a space rock from an asteroid and place it into lunar orbit in preparation for future Mars missions.

 Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz might be on a suicide mission, investigators feels.
How Germanwings Flight 9525 Co-Pilot Turned Into Mass Murderer

Unbelievably shocking details are emerging from the investigation of the cause of Germanwing crash. Recent reports state that it appears that the Flight 9525's co-pilot Andreas Lubitz purposely crashed the plane, killing 150 people on board.

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'Star Trek' Tale Of Parallel Universe To Come True? Large Hadron Collider Would Soon Prove Its Existence

There might soon be proof that parallel universe does exist after all.

Urban Biodiversity Survey Discovers 30 New Species In Los Angeles; New Species Belong To Genus Megaselia

At least 30 new species have been found in Los Angeles after a bio diversity survey that took place last week, according to a new report published by E Science News. A new paper will soon be published in the science journal Zootax which will explain the existence of these newly found species.

hybrid South Florida termite
World’s Most Destructive Termite Species Mate In South Florida, Produce Fast-Reproducing Scary Hybrid

South Florida researchers have discovered the breeding of two of the most destructive termite species on Earth. The termite mating has resulted in a fast-reproducing scary hybrid that could expand beyond the state.

Liberian Woman Ebola
New Chinese Ebola Vaccine Could Finally End Epidemic in West Africa

A new high-dose Ebola vaccine developed by Chinese scientists could finally be used to treat patients in West Africa after it was declared safe this week.

Germanwings Flight 9525: Aircraft Cockpit Security Protocols On Spotlight

Reports stated that the cockpit of the Germanwings Flight 9525 aircraft was locked from the inside by the deranged co-pilot and would not let the pilot get in.

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Climate Change Denier Ted Cruz’s Presidential Announcement: Students Fined $10 If They Don’t Attend

Liberty University students in Lynchburg, Va., were required to attend climate change denier Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential announcement; otherwise, they would be fined $10.

Saturn Found To Have Shorter Days Than Previously Thought

Scientists used a new method to measure Saturn's days and found out that it is actually shorter than previously recorded.

Floods rip through the driest place on Earth
Massive Floods Inundate the Atacama Desert, the Driest Place on Earth

The Atacama Desert receives just 15 millimeters (0.6 inch) of rainfall every year and is the world's driest non-polar desert.

Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain are exploring and thinking of adapting Chinese methods of teaching.
Chinese Teachers Bring ‘Shanghai-Style’ Math to Britain

Two batches of Chinese math teachers from Shanghai were already sent to Britain last November as part of the exchange project between the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the British Department of Education.

Paramilitary policemen place a flower basket at the statue of late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping on the 110th anniversary of his birth in Guang'an, Sichuan Province.
New Committee to Evaluate Sichuan Local Laws for Gender Equality

Sichuan has formed an advisory committee tasked to assess if laws in China’s southwest province adhere to the policy of gender equality.

Debris from an Airbus A320 is seen in the mountains, near Seyne-les-Alpes
Germanwings Pilot Could Not Re-Enter Cockpit Before Plane Crash

Evidence from the cockpit's voice recorder proves that one pilot had gone out of the cockpit and could not re-enter the cockpit.

In Case You Missed It

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