Monday, 17th, 2025 | 4:00AM Updated

A police officer guards China's parliamentary building.
Beijing’s Period of Deepening Reform Will Become Clearer in 2015

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President Xi Jinping and his wife recently met with Belgian royals during their Chinese visit.
Tasmanian Premier Will Nurture Healthy Ties with Sheep-Year China Tour

The Communist Party of China's Political Bureau recently met to outline the 13th five-year plan.
Even Netizens Are Impressed by the CPC's Latest Publicity Video

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Xi and Obama Once Spoke for 10 Hours, So September Should Be Easy

Chinese artist Ai Weiwei poses with an art installation.
Dissident Chinese Artist Directs Film for Berlin Festival by Skype

Many experts see the proposed Internet reforms as determination on the part of China to push for an alternative to the U.S.-led world order.
World Looks to China in Davos But Now Send Protests to Beijing

A worker prepares red lantern decorations for the Spring Festival Temple Fair at the entrance to Ditan Park in Beijing, Jan. 20, 2009.
PepsiCo Helps Bring Happiness to Both China and Abroad in the New Year

In Case You Missed It

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