Wednesday, 26th, 2025 | 8:18PM Updated

Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
$29 Billion Stimulus Package to Support Taiwan Economy

Ever since DPP party member Tsai Ing-wen, who currently acts as Taiwan’s president, refused to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus, relations between China and Taiwan have been far from warm.
February 28 Massacre Holiday Criticized by Beijing

The proposed policies include incentives in education, employment and state benefits.
To Attract Taiwanese, Beijing Starts Drafting Appealing Laws

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The commemoration of Sun Yat-sen's 150th birth anniversary is expected to cement cross-Strait ties.
China to Commemorate Sun Yat-sen’s 150th Birth Anniversary

Experts also point out that it will be a challenge for Taiwan’s leadership to convince the rest of its citizens the possibility of cooperation with China.
Pundits Assess Implications of Xi's State Visit to Taiwan

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