Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 1:36PM Updated

Chinese employees are enjoying deeper pockets than their counterparts in Asia.
Chinese Pulse: Survey Reveals What Makes Employees Stay

Most of China's white-collar laborers work overtime, a survey reveals.
Majority of White-collar Laborers in China Work Overtime: Survey

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With the smartphone market practically saturated, HTC plans to move
HTC Announces Plans to Downsize to Compensate for Market Losses

A study conducted by Boston Consulting Group revealed that about 3.5 million Web-based jobs are set to be created in China by 2020.
Internet Boom Creating More Job Opportunities in China: Study

Chinese employees at a shipping workplace in China.
Half of Chinese Employees Choose Not to Take Paid Leaves

Chinese companies are still experiencing talent shortage, according to a recent survey.
Employers Still Find It Tough to Find Talent, Industry Survey Says

Chinese job seekers flock to a job fair.
Finance Jobs Get Highest Starting Pay in China, Survey Finds

Employees processing orders on Tmall.
Survey: Chinese Workers Want Work-Life Balance, Higher Pay

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