Tuesday, 25th, 2025 | 11:12PM Updated

Chinese researchers will now get a sizeable profit from their breakthroughs.
China Urges More Innovation by Giving Scientists Half of Breakthrough Profits

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The Zika virus is strongly linked to primary microcephaly.
Chinese Researchers Find Link Between Zika Virus and Microcephaly

A study led by Chinese researchers has revealed that the MERS coronavirus infects most Arabian camels and has diverged into five variants.
Study by Chinese Researchers Reveals Different Variants of MERS Virus

A forum recently held in Shanghai indicated that women in the field of science and research based in the city are debunking the trend of male dominance.
NFSC Announces New Policy to Help Female Researchers

Located in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China, the Taklimakan Desert is also recognized as the second largest shifting-sand desert in the world, next to Sahara Desert in Africa.
China's Largest Desert Formed Much Earlier than Believed, Study Reveals

Researchers work in a laboratory in Qingdao, Shandong Province.
China’s First High-Security Bio Lab Will Help in Fight Against Ebola

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