Tuesday, 18th, 2025 | 6:18AM Updated

The Communist Party of China wants to purge corrupt officials.
CCTV Releases Documentary Exposing Corrupt Officials

Former top military official gets life sentence for accepting bribes.
Top Chinese Ex-military Official Gets Life Sentence for Graft

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The Communist Party of China (CPC) is mulling the formulation of a behavior code for senior party officials in light of the purge brought about by President Xi’s anti-corruption drive.
CPC Proposes Behavior Code to Monitor and Assess Top Officials

Officials such as former deputy governor of southeast China’s Fujian Province, Xu Gang, was found guilty of colluding with his wife and trying to relocate illegally obtained money.
Crooked Officials Fall Short in Eluding Anti-corruption Campaign

Xiao has been stripped of his position as a deputy head of the General Administration of Sport.
Deputy Sports Minister Sacked Ahead of Host City Decision

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