Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 1:18PM Updated

A young woman holds a rose as she waits in a parking area.
Leftover-hood in China: Confessions of a 25-Year-Old Single Woman

Rural wedding ceremony in Shaanxi Province.
Lightning Marriages Becoming Popular with Chinese Couples

Back in the day, couples who wanted to get divorced must get permission from community committees or employers.
Chinese Couples Face Challenges of Home Improvement

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A Couple And Their Triplets Beg In Beijing
5-Year-Old Triplets Seek Missing Mother in Streets of Shenzhen

Not siblings: Xiao Mei, 16, holds her 1-year-old son as they and her 2-year-old daughter pose for a picture.
Puppy Love No More: Teens Confront Marriage Life, Parenthood

Traditionally, a bridesmaid’s job is to assist and accompany the bride throughout her big day. Now, some bridesmaids are made to perform unnecessary tasks for guests.
Rough Horseplay Drives Women from Becoming Bridesmaids

It's deeply embedded in ancient Chinese tradition to be filial and obedient to one's set of parents. A successful marriage, with offspring, is considered a responsibility.
Pro-singlehood Advertisement Launched in Beijing

Older family members are back into pestering marriage-age children with a long line of questions and advice.
Spring Festival: The Issue of Being Single

According to documents issued by the county's Party committee on Sunday, if both partners were previously married and divorced, they are not allowed to host a wedding party.
Local Party Committee Bans Divorcees from Throwing Parties

Chinese novelist Yan Qiao presents creative take on divorce in China.
Chinese Novel Portrays Creative Way of Going Through Painless Divorce

Writer Zhong Xueling's new book on marriage and love has been released in Beijing.
Marriage Consultant Zhong Xueling Introduces New Book in Beijing

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