Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 3:04PM Updated

PLAAF H-6 bomber flies close to Japan.
China Oblivious to Threat of War from Air Patrols Close to Japan and South Korea

A THAAD battery.
China Tries Another Tack to get South Korea to Abandon THAAD

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Impeached South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye Impeached by Parliament for Corruption

A THAAD battery launches an ABM interceptor.
China claims THAAD Worsening ‘New Cold War’ in Asia

Two of the smaller Korea Coast Guard patrol boats at anchor.
South Korea Coast Guard will Shoot to Sink Chinese Ships Caught Fishing Illegally

Chinese boat caught fishing illegally burns off South Korea.
Three Chinese Fishermen Die Illegally Fishing in South Korea

Premier Li met with Obama earlier this week.
Li Voices Opposition Over Anti-missile System in Korean Peninsula

The Samsung Note 7 will be recalled in China.
Early Released Samsung Note 7 Gets Recalled in China

South Korean Hyunmoo-2B surface-to-surface missile.
South Korea Plans to Annihilate Pyongyang First to Prevent a Nuclear Attack

In Case You Missed It

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