Monday, 17th, 2025 | 3:37AM Updated

Pokémon Go was the most downloaded app on the App Store and Google Play during the third quarter in China, now the world's largest market in iOS App Store revenue.
China Now Largest Market for App Store Revenue, Surpassing the US

North Korean nuclear weapon test site.
Accused of Being Impotent Against North Korea, China Blames US for Korean Crisis

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China's jewelry industry is valued at 5 billion yuan.
Chinese Manufacturer Totwoo Goes Online with Smart Jewelry

U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People during her visit to China recently.
US Aims for Greater Counter-terrorism Cooperation with China

China said it will assert its rights over islands in the South China Sea while maintaining its compliance with international laws and the UNCLOS.
US Warns China Against Making Further Provocations Ahead of International Ruling

Chinese products earn more in selling over and other online selling platforms.
Small Chinese Brands Make It Big on

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