China Set to Dole Out 10,000 Tonnes of Food to Syrian Refugees

| Feb 06, 2016 09:30 AM EST

China has been an active donor of humanitarian aid to the refugees in Syria.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced on Thursday that the country will be donating 10,000 tonnes of food to Syrian refugees, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Wang made the remarks during the Supporting Syria and the Region conference held in London.

For the Chinese envoy, such conference is instrumental in making new efforts "to realize peace and stability in Syria and help ease the humanitarian situation," the article noted.

Wang further emphasized that in order to solve Syria's humanitarian problems, their root causes must first be eliminated. He cited that as of the moment, the most urgent task is to secure the refugees' basic living conditions.

The foreign minister also urged different parties in Syria to put into action relevant U.N. resolutions apart from providing humanitarian access to those in need.

Wang also suggested that the U.N. should establish a comprehensive roadmap and tap all the necessary resources worldwide to cope with the situation. He further remarked that the global community must intensify its efforts to seek a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

According to Wang, China has been giving humanitarian aid to Syria via different channels.

During the G20 summit in 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to donate an additional $100 million worth of humanitarian assistance to help improve the situation and condition of the refugees.

During his trip to the Middle East earlier in January, Xi also announced that the Chinese government will donate 230 million yuan more to the people of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Yemen this 2016.

In the said London conference, Wang stated that China will be relentless in lending its hand to the Syrian people and to the refugees. He promised that the country will "play a constructive role in facilitating a political solution to the Syrian crisis."

Supporting Syria and the Region was co-hosted by Britain, Germany, Kuwait, Norway and the United Nations. The conference aims to raise a new funding that will provide financial resources to the immediate and long-term needs of those affected by the crisis.

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