'Umbrella Corps' news: Latest gameplay video features 'Tricell' headquarters [VIDEO]; 'Resident Evil 5' map added to the spin-off!

| Feb 16, 2016 02:30 AM EST

Resident Evil Umbrella Corps is an upcoming online multiplayer survival horror shooter video game developed and published by Capcom for the PS4 and PC.

New details for "Umbrella Corps" will feature Tricell's headquarters in a new gameplay and a new "Residnet Evil 5" map added to the spin-off.

A new gameplay video for the "Resident Evil" spin-off, "Umbrella Corps" will have gamers take a first look at the Tricell Corporation's headquarters as players will not only face off each other, but the infected hordes of zombies and cerberus as well, Bloody Disgusting reported.

As seen in the video, gamers will have to use several corners to avoid enemy fire or being spotted by zombie CPUs. The Tricell area is very huge, which makes it more unpredictable for gamers bump into an opponent or a zombie. The Tricell HQ map is also used to introduce a new game mode for "Umbrella Corps" called "The Experiment".

The new game mode will be a single player mode that features large hordes of zombies coming after them. Players will notice a Zombie Jammer and when it falters, the zombies will begin to "pile up" on them, thus overwhelming the player and they get killed. "The Experiment" will have 20 missions all in all, and it will serve as a practice session for gamers to improve their game skills against online opponents.

In other news, "Umbrella Corps" will also feature a new gameplay map based from "Resident Evil 5".

The new map will set in the African village of Kijuju where "Resident Evil 5" took place and Capcom stated that the venue is one of the biggest maps within the game.

Capcom community manager Neil Gortoon stated that the Kijuju map will have many open spaces and underground tunnels, the map will also have its own set of dangers as the players will not just fight online opponents, but the infected villagers called Majini, IGN reported.

The Majini in "Resident Evil 5" are villagers in infected by the Plaga 2 version which Albert Wesker acquired from Ada Wong during the "Resident Evil 4". They are more vicious than the Ganados and they are often seen using bladed weapons and guns during fights.

"Umbrella Corps" will feature two mercenary teams competing on a three-on-three battles, each with their own set of weapons and skills.

Gamers are given Brainer Combat Axes that they can use in close combat against other players and zombies, as well as Terrain Spikes that they can use to travel through areas quickly.

"Umbrella Corps" will is stated to launch on May 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

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