Corey Simms news: 'Teen Mom 2' star's dad shares photo of his baby daughter

| Feb 17, 2016 07:51 PM EST

Corey and Miranda Simms pose together at her baby shower.

Corey Simms' father Jeff Simms recently shared a new photo of his daughter, Remington Monroe. While Corey and his wife Miranda Patterson rarely post public messages and photos to fans on social media, Jeff has consistently kept fans in the loop with their day-to-day life on his own Twitter and Instagram accounts.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/JETMBS">@JETMBS</a> She is growing and miraculously getting prettier as each day passes. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/remi?src=hash">#remi</a> <a href="https://t.co/VNHpXLkItp">pic.twitter.com/VNHpXLkItp</a></p>&mdash; Jeff Simms (@JeffSimms) <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffSimms/status/699761542036901890">February 17, 2016</a></blockquote><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 

Corey and Patterson welcomed baby Remi in November 2015, two months before she was due, but luckily, after a brief stay in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Remi was allowed to go home and has remained healthy ever since.

Around the same time, Corey and his ex-wife, Leah Messer, attended a court hearing, where Simms was awarded primary custody of their 6-year-old daughters, Ali and Aleeah, due to Messer’s alleged failure to transport the girls to school on time. Then, in January, the former couple's custody agreement was revisited, and a judge overturned the initial judgment, which granted Messer and Simms joint custody of the children.

In January, days after the hearing took place, a source spoke to Us Weekly, revealing Messer, who previously had her children only on the weekends, would be responsible for Thursdays through Sundays moving forward. The source also revealed Corey and Messer agreed to split the children’s bills 50/50.

“She was never asking for full custody,” the magazine’s source explained of Messer’s motivation. “She wants the girls to be able to see their dad.”

While there had previously been allegations against Messer, claiming she was negligent in her to-and-from school transportation, the magazine’s source confirmed those claims were thrown out during her and Simms’ January hearing.

Corey was married to Messer from December 2010 to June 2011, and in June 2013, he married his now-wife Patterson. Meanwhile, Messer remarried second husband Jeremy Calvert in April 2012, but divorced in June 2015, at which time she was in rehab for issues of anxiety and depression.

The Simms family will return for "Teen Mom 2" Season 7on March 21 at 10 p.m., according to MTV.

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