'The Flash' Season 2 spoilers: Showrunner tease more Killer Frost, Earth 2 adventures soon; New theories on the iron masked man revealed!

| Feb 23, 2016 02:40 AM EST

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New "The Flash" season 2 details will feature more Killer Frost and Earth 2 adventures, as well as new theories on the identity of the iron masked character in the show.

Executive Producer Todd Helbing teased comic book fans of more Eath 2 adventures in the coming episodes of "The Flash" season 2 as Helbing told Entertainment Weekly that audiences will know the fate of Earth 2 Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) after she betrayed Zoom (Tony Todd) and helped Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin), Cisco Ramon/Vibe (Carlos Valdes) and the others escaped from Zoom's lair.

Killer Frost is one of the few metahumans from Earth 2 that worked with Zoom into catching other speedsters from other dimensions along with Earth 2 Ronnie Raymond/Deathstorm (Robbie Amell) and Earth 2 Cisco Ramon/Reverb. Killer Frost motivation for betraying Zoom came when the evil speedster killed both Deathstorm and Reverb for almost killing The Flash as he wanted him alive for his speed.

Viewers are curious as to what happened with Killer Frost after her betrayal, but Helbing did teased that her fate will not be a mystery very soon.

In other news, new theories of the identity of the iron masked prisoner that Barry Allen and Jesse Chambers Wells (Violette Beane) met while in captivity in Zoom's lair. Many fans have speculated that the person behind the mask is a character in the show that are familiar with throughout this season. The first clueis that the masked man has blonde hair underneath his metal asked and he is probably old, probably in his thirties due to his wrinkles.

When Barry and Jesse communicated with the iron masked man, he spelled out the name "Jay" as he is referring to Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), Earth 2's version of The Flash as Barry tells him that Jay is in Earth 1, which led the masked man disappointed. Fans speculated that when this person could be the "real" Jay Garrick and the other one residing in Barry' earth is an imposter, Moviepilot reported.

It is theorized that the other Jay Garrick is the show's version of Edward Clariss/The Rival, the first Reverse-Flash due to the character's connection with Velocity 9 which gave him his super speed. Jay Garrick was caught by Zoom when he phased his hand right through Garrick's chest and dragged him backed to Earth 2.

Other characters that could possibly be the iron masked man could be Henry Allen (John Wesly Shipp), Earth 2 Henry Allen and Earth 2 Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett).

The next of "The Flash" will deal with the return of Earth 2 King Shark and "Arrows" John and Layla Diggle (David Ramsey and Audrey Marie Anderson) will helping Team Flash catch him.

"The Flash" will return on Tuesday 8pm on the CW Network.

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