‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ tips, guide: What gamers should do prior ‘Black Ops 3’ Awakening DLC release for Xbox One, PC

| Feb 26, 2016 04:53 AM EST

"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" DLC, called Awakening, release for Xbox One and PC is just 6 days away.

With "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" DLC, called Awakening, release for Xbox One and PC is just 6 days away, here are some tips that gamers may want to do to ensure that everything goes smoothly prior playing the game.

The first "Black Ops 3" DLC was first released to PS4 users, while Xbox One and PC users will get their hands to the much awaited Awakening DLC on March 3. Awakening DLC is priced at $14.99 alone; however, gamers can also take advantage of its season pass priced at $49.99, inclusive of four map packs.

Note: Gamers should need to install Black Ops 3 update that includes collection of "Black Ops 3" patch and fixes to resolve issues plaguing "Black Ops 3." With the said February Black Ops 3 update, this will give players a smooth gaming experience to play the Awakening DLC.

If you are an Xbox One user or a PC user, here are the things you need to know in getting ready to play "Black Ops 3" Awakening DLC.

1. Cleaning out your hard drive

Gamers should now delete files that taking a lot of space on their PC or Xbox One hard drives, including the "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" beta (in case a gamer is still keeping the beta version of "Black Ops 3"). Although gamers already downloaded the recent update for "Black Ops 3," which is surely eating up their hard drive space, enthusiasts should expect that the game will get another update prior maps going live. This implies that to be able to download new update and new maps, gamers should at least have a decent amount of space on their PC or Xbox One hard drives.

2. Download Awakening DLC ASAP

Regardless if the maps are already included on the recent "Black Ops 3" update that gamers already have, it is a smart move to start downloading the Awakening DLC once it is released, as it will take huge amount of time for the game to be completely downloaded on their PC or Xbox One. For gamers with poor connections, they will most likely be able to have a complete download within several hours, while gamers on a speedy connection, the download could still eat up more than an hour to finish.

3. How to download Awakening DLC

First, to trigger an update to "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3," open the game and wait for the update to be downloaded. Once done, the gamer can now start "Black Ops 3" and activate "Awakening" DLC; however, gamers need to purchase Map pack individually or through Awakening DLC season pass. Once purchasing is done, gamers can now go to the main menu and select Store, then select Map Packs then select Awakening DLC to activate the pack.

Watch the preview trailer of "Call of Duty: Black Ops3" Awakening DLC below:

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of Yibada 

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