‘Scorpion' season 2 spoilers: Ari Stidham's Sylvester's photo on 'The Price Is Right' released

| Feb 29, 2016 10:00 AM EST

Ari Stidham and Drew Carey

"Scorpion" season 2, episode 18 will see Ari Stidham's Sylvester playing on "The Price is Right."

In "The Fast and the Nerdiest," Sylvester has been selected as a contestant on the hit reality TV show.

While there, he will have the chance to talk to Drew Carey about body piercings, robot invasions and a whole lot more.

Photos from the upcoming episode revealed that Sylvester will be wearing a shirt with the words, "Pick me I'm a super fan boy."

According to the synopsis released for episode 18, Sylvester will win big on the show, and the money he will get will be used to help build a hospital wing dedicated to his late wife Megan.

Meanwhile, Monday night's episode of "Scorpion" season 2 will see Team Scorpion helping Agent Cabe Gallo's (Robert Patrick) friend.

The synopsis reads, "Sylvester wins big on 'The Price is Right'; the team must infiltrate a high-end car smuggling operation that is preparing to ship weapons to South America."

In the teaser released by CBS, Cabe could be seen talking to his friend who is asking the former for protection.

During their conversation, Cabe's friend did not realize that Team Scorpion is listening in.

As such, Cabe will ask his team to help his friend, and as usual, they will be successful at their new mission.

Elsewhere, Walter (Elyes Gabel) will continue to give Toby (Eddie Kaye Thomas) and Happy (Jadyn Wong) a cold treatment after he found out that the two are in a relationship.

In the previous episode, Toby and Happy also told Paige (Katharine McPhee) and Sylvester that they are together.

Luckily, the two members of the team did not seem to mind their new relationship.

However, the revelation did not  sit well with Walter who previously said that the members of the team could not get into a relationship with each other.

In the upcoming episode, Walter is expected to talk to Toby and Happy again about their relationship. 

"Scorpion" season 2, episode 18 will air on Monday on CBS.

Will Sly win big on The Price Is Right?

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