[UPDATED] Horror Games 2016: Top 5 creepiest looking horror games of 2016 [VIDEOS]

| Mar 04, 2016 02:24 PM EST

Here are some of the most anticipated creepy-looking horror games for 2016

Halloween might be over, but for horror fanatics, that is not a valid reason to put away their urge to see true scares. For horror game enthusiasts, 2015 was fairly great as it brought high quality horror gameplay experiences, with stand-out titles such "Bloodbone," "Until Dawn," "Five Nights at Freddy's 4," "SOMA" and "Resident Evil: Revelations 2."

Horror genre has been steadily producing games that scare us, and it's now time to look forward to what 2016 has to offer to gaming enthusiasts. Below are some of the most anticipated creepy-looking horror games for 2016:

DOOM (Doom 4)

"DOOM," originally known as "Doom 4" developed by id Software and to be published by Bethesda Softworks, is expected to be released on May 13 to Xbox One, PS4 and PC. "DOOM" is a first person shooter game that will feature bigger guns and bigger demons. "DOOM" will feature push forward combat system and will let players do movements like double-jumping and sprinting.


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

"Until Dawn: Rush of Blood" is expected to be released exclusively for PlayStation VR on PlayStation 4. The upcoming game title will take gamers into a chilling rollercoaster ride of scares and excitements.

Allison Road

"Allison Road" looks like the most terrifying game that gamers can look forward to this year. "Allison Road" is expected to fill the spot of Kojima Productions' P.T. that was supposed to feature "The Walking Dead's" actor Norman Reedus, which was cancelled and removed from PlayStation Store.


"PAMELA" is an open-world survival horror game that is set in a fallen utopia. The protagonist on the game finds the beautiful city of Eden overtaken by the Afflicted, the terrifying monsters, after waking up from a cryogenic sleep.

Outlast 2

"Outlast 2" will continue its tradition of combining elements of survival horror game with found footage film genre. The trailer of "Outlast 2" hints that the game may explore some religious themes, which is something rarely visited in video games. "Outlast 2" is slated to launch fall of 2016 for PS4, Xbox one and Windows PC.

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of Yibada. 

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