Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release, rumors: Release could possibly later than October 2016; To feature magnetic connection, advanced USB technology, super sharp screen resolution, improved battery?

| Mar 06, 2016 05:53 AM EST

Microsoft Surface Pro 5

With the release of Microsoft's latest laplet (2-in-1 tablet laptop) Surface Pro 4 in October 2015, consumers are now clamoring for any news or rumors on Microsoft's fifth generation Surface series device - the Microsoft Surface Pro 5.

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is rumored to be an enhanced Surface Pro 4 version, with it having a more advanced stylus pen that is expected to be rechargeable and will have a magnetic connection. Some say that this rumor is baseless but we need to take into consideration that Microsoft was spotted filing for a stylus patent, which took place originally in 2014.

Currently, the Microsoft Surface Pro 4's stylus pen is a battery-operated device and not rechargeable, which to some finds it more troublesome and costly. If Surface Pro 5 advanced stylus pen rumors are to be believed, the batteries of its pen will be charged in a magnetic docking device. In addition, since the Surface Pro 5 will have a magnetic connection, users now cannot easily lose the pen as it will just stick to the device, which is more convenient and portable to all users.

As for Microsoft Surface Pro 5 release, reports suggest that it will be on October 2016, Times of India reported. However, some reports also suggest that the next Surface Pro device will be released on June or September 2016. Based on the past releases of Surface Pro series, with Surface Pro 3 being released in May 2014 while Surface Pro 4 being unveiled in October 2015, it will be realistic if Microsoft will unveil its Surface Pro 5 on a later date as Microsoft can't possibly shrink its product cycle to make an earlier than October release date.

As for Surface Pro 5's price, it is said that Pro 5 will be priced at $899 (with an Intel Core), $999 (with an Intel i7) and $1599 (with an Intel Core i7 Extreme).

As for the upcoming Surface Pro 5's specs, no information yet was given but Surface Pro geeks wants to see a super sharp screen resolution, bigger yet lighter device, possible advance USB technology and a better battery performance.

Meanwhile, despite Microsoft bringing top-of-the-line tablets in the market, not all has been positive and rosy for the multinational technology company and its customers lately. It is said that Microsoft's latest Surface Pro 4 was a pretty big success and impressive, as it offered more refined hardware, larger screen compared to its predecessors, incredibly responsive touchscreen, more luminous screen, enhanced Surface Pen and vastly improved Type cover; however, it was also plagued with issues such as battery problems, the laplet consumes too much power even on sleep mode and its AC adapter is reported to be a fire hazard.

The issue on too much power when on sleep gave Microsoft a lot of negative feedback as they have not been able to fix the issue right away. It was only in Feb. 17 that the company delivered several Surface-specific firmware updates, software, driver and other improvements that addresses the issues related to connected standby issue, Surface Support website noted. With its AC issues, the company already offered free AC Power cords replacement program to its consumers.

Watch the Surface Pro 5 concept trailer below:

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