‘Titanfall 2’ PS4 and Xbox One release date confirmed late 2016; Respawn to focus on Titans and story mode improvement?

| Apr 15, 2016 07:27 AM EDT

Titanfall 2 is one of the most anticipated game of 2016.

One of the breakthrough games of 2014, "Titanfall," is now confirmed to have a sequel and will be out before this year ends. Thus, fans discussed what they want to see in the upcoming multiplayer first-person shooter video game.

"Titanfall" is only available for the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC but that will not be the case for "Titanfall 2" as it will now be available for the Sony PlayStation 4. Wondering what the "Titanfall" team could possibly add to the sequel, writers over at Venture Beat shared their insights on what thy think was lacking in the previous game.

It is no secret that fans craved for a story in the first film and that came first in Dean Takahashi's list. He said that the game is already impressive in the gameplay department, but what will make it outstanding is if there will be a cinematic storyline gamers can follow that will certainly add drama to the game.

Another point he made is how easy it was to lose a mech, which players had a hard time acquiring. Lastly, he said that more incentives should be added to make it more enticing for players to start over, increasing its re-playability.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Grubb suggested Respawn, the game developer, to add more weapons and to structure a better multiplayer progression in "Titanfall 2." Lastly, community manager Mike Minotti said the game's biggest flaw was the lack of difficulty as gamers will succeed in the multiplayer story mode regardless if they win or lose.

He also said that Respawn should focus more on improving the Titan gameplay mechanic, which set the game apart from every other shooter games out there.

In other news, the game is expected to be so huge that it made BioWare decide to move another household title, "Mass Effect: Andromeda" to launch in Q1 of 2017 instead of the originally planned December 2016 release date, Expert Reviews reported.

"We've got a great year ahead," EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen reportedly said during an EA investor call. "We've got our Battlefield first-person shooter game coming in the third quarter, and our third-party title that Respawn, our partner, built, it's called 'Titanfall' [2]."

Here is the official trailer of "Titanfall 2" courtesy of Titanfallgame.

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