Is ‘Lucifer’s’ new episode airing on May 2? Details about ‘Lucifer’ Season 2 episodes [SPOILERS]

| May 02, 2016 10:12 AM EDT

Is ‘Lucifer’s’ new episode airing on May 2? Details about ‘Lucifer’ Season 2 episodes [SPOILERS]

Someone has escaped from Hell and Lucifer and others need to find the person. The devil's mother has escaped. Fans will have to wait to know more about his mother as "Lucifer" new episode is not airing on May 2, Monday.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for "Lucifer" episodes. Read to know more.

The finale of "Lucifer" Season 1 aired last week titled "Take Me Back to Hell." It showcased Lucifer being wrongly involved in a murder. Chloe was all set to arrest Lucifer and he is hurt and ready to take the blame. He convinced a cop to shoot him, but Amenadiel arrived and took him away.

During the episode, Linda also found out that Amenadiel is not a doctor. However, the brothers didn't care and stormed out.

In an interview with Collider, Tom Ellis (Lucifer) talked about how exciting it will be to explore the characters in "Lucifer" Season 2.

"You set up your world, which is a big part of your first season. Watching the show back, I feel like it really gathered momentum and we hit our stride. To not have been able to come back and do it would have left us with a feeling of, "Ugh!" It's great because we know so much more now, and we know why people want to watch it. Of course, I have to be invested in it, but you wonder whether other people will be. The fact that they have has given us new energy to attack the next season with," Ellis said.

When asked if he had any discussions about "Lucifer" Season 2, the actor said that the writers haven't started yet and he will meet with them soon. He added that he is excited about how "Lucifer" Season 1 concluded.

"You can address the things that worked and you can iron out the creases of things that didn't work so well, and you can see what people have responded to with the show. It's a much more informed place to start from. I'm looking forward to it."

Fans can watch "Lucifer" Season 1 episode online via live stream mode, here.

Stay tuned for "Lucifer" Season 2 updates, spoilers and news.

Watch "Lucifer" Season 2 teaser promo below.

Credit: YouTube/Television Promos

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