‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘Hardline’ get expansions for free: EA

| May 05, 2016 04:28 AM EDT

Chinese enemy soldiers use shields to protect their bodies from gunfire.

Electronic Arts has announced that the "Battlefield 4" and "Battlefield Hardline" expansions are being offered for free. EA DICE has also announced they are offering new community missions that will unlock special rewards for participating players.

Recently, the game publisher has announced that the two video games' expansions are currently being offered for free, since the next "Battlefield" game is about to be announced soon. The Dragon's Teeth expansion for the fourth iteration of the game franchise was already released in May 3, but it will only remain free on May 10. The add-on is currently being offered on all platforms.

The game developer will also be running new missions for the community, which will unlock some great rewards for players who will join in. A community mission will be available on May 10, which tasks players to gain 2.5 million melee kills on all the game's multiplayer modes. A Gold Battlepack will be awarded to the community if they meet the goal, and only participating players will receive the award.

The expansion for the fourth iteration of the game has four maps set in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the game's official website. Chain Link game mode and the unmanned ground vehicle R.A.W.R. was also available in the expansion.

"Hardline" players also got the Robbery expansion for free from May 3 to May 10. The expansion has four expansive maps, a new game mode called the Squad Heist, new weapons and gadgets, and the Legendary Super feature.

The game also got a community mission called the Heist mode. Players who have joined the mission needed to rack in a score of 300,000 points to get a Gold Battlepack. This mission has already started last May 3, but it will end on May 10, so players still have the chance to participate and get the reward when the mission ends.

In other news, the new "Battlefield" game will be revealed on May 6, and the official website already has a new event page. EA has told VideoGamer that the upcoming reveal stream will contain insights from creative director Lars Gustavsson, and lead producer Aleksander Grondal.

Check out the game's free DLC reveal video below:

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