Jared Leto 'Suicide Squad' Joker took a toll on actor's sanity? DC to be 'less darker' to avoid 'BvS' criticisms?

| May 07, 2016 09:14 AM EDT

Jared Leto gives a speech during the 2015 American Music Awards Show.

After Marvel's "Captain America: Civil War" wowed moviegoers since it hit movie theaters, DC will have the chance to match their rival's all-star squad with their own in "Suicide Squad." All eyes are on Jared Leto as he will portray the role of Batman's arch nemesis, Joker.

It is no secret how devoted Leto is in portraying the role as reports stated that he used to lock himself in a room to channel his "inner demon." However, details of his portrayal as Joker still remain as a huge secret as Leto is restricted to what he can say to the media.

"I don't think I'm allowed to talk about that so much but we walked in a completely new direction," Leto said in an interview with Coming Soon. "When the Joker has been done and done so well, it gives you a bit of an indication of where you shouldn't go."

Leto also said that playing this role is such a huge honor. He will be playing a role that has been interpreted by talented actors to perfection before him such as Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill (animated) among others.

"It's quite an honor," Leto further added in the interview with the publication. "Joker has been written about in pop culture for 75 years."

Meanwhile, fans are a bit worried on how "Suicide Squad" will turn out. Upon the release of "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice," fans were a bit lukewarm with how dark the film turned out to be.

Hence, David Betancourt and Michael Cavna of Washington Post discussed the potential outcome should "Suicide Squad" proceed with the same theme as "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice." Given the mixed reviews that hit BvS, the production crew are said to be making some changes and give the film a lighter feel.

Since the "Suicide Squad" cast includes the likes of Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Jared Leto, who all have experience in the comedy genre, they may just try to capitalize on that and add some gags in the film.

Here are some reports that state Jared Leto's "Suicide Squad" Joker made him lose his sanity during the course of the shooting courtesy of ETC News.

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