‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 predictions, spoilers: Death waiting for Rickon?

| May 20, 2016 02:14 AM EDT

Sansa Stark with Brienne of Tarth confronts Peter Baelish in his alliance with the Boltons.

Things may not become well for Rickon in the upcoming episodes of "Game of Thrones" as many are predicting the current season could be the end for the youngest Stark. Many are using Rickon's current situation, as Ramsay Bolton's captive, as their reference of what could be waiting for this young character in the succeeding episodes.

One prediction with the most replies was made by Reddit user Spock_42 in which he assumed, "So it seems as though Littlefinger is going to call the banners of the Vale and march North, presumably with the end goal of planting Sansa as a puppet wardeness of the North."

According to the prediction, Rickon would be a hindrance to Littlefinger's plan of making Sansa his puppet to get control of the North that he needs to kill the young Stark. His move to march North with the Vale banners is to kill Rickon before Jon Snow arrives to make it appear that Ramsay did the killing. As soon as Jon arrives at Winterfell, he will be defeating Ramsay's armies, and with Rickon being dead points the blame towards Ramsay.

It is also claimed that it would not be too much to predict the killing scenario as Littlefinger is known to do such things in order to gain control. This is not new for Peter Baelish, also known as Littlefinger, as he had been responsible for numerous betrayals and deaths since the start of the series. He betrayed Ned Stark, plotted to kill Jon Arryn by poisoning him, and even killed Lisa Arryn just to get hold of Vale. In order to keep himself in control, killing Rickon may be the best option to keep his plans aligned.

The same forecast was also made by HITC Lifestyle, as it also stated that Rickon will have the same fate like his brother and parents since he is the most vulnerable among the Starks now. Considering Rickon's importance in the story, which is not as significant as Sansa's, could make him a victim of Peter Baelish's evil plans.

Watch the teaser of "Game of Thrones" Season 6 episode 5:

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