'Dragon Ball Super' rumors: 'Black Goku' will be the new God of Destruction [VIDEOS]; 'Future Trunks' saga set next month!

| May 23, 2016 04:10 AM EDT

Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation and the sequel to the Dragon Ball manga and TV series.

New details and possible spoilers for "Dragon Ball Super" will feature the "Black Goku" will be the new God of Destruction and the release of the "Future Trunks" saga set next month.

The next story arc of "Dragon Ball Super" will feature the return of the "Future Trunks" in the anime series as his comeback to the past may bring dire danger to Son Goku, Vegeta and the rest of the Z fighters in the past.

"Dragon Ball" creator Akira Toriyama will put together the story for "Future Trunks" saga based on the suggestions from the editorial office as the script writers of "Dragon Ball Super" will do their best to break down the material into several episodes as they can for the show.

The plot of the new arc will introduce a new powerful foe called "Black Goku" and it is speculated that this charactet could be an alternate evil version of Son Goku in Trunk's future timeline, Otaku Kart reported.

However, Youtube username ExperGamez theorized that this "Black Goku" is from a more distant future timeline from Future Trunks since Son Goku from his future died before the Android 17 and 18 were brought to life and destroyed the entire world.

The YouTube user added that "Black Goku" could come from 20 to 50 years in the future and has somehow became evil for unknown reasons yet. Black Goku's presents in the "Future Trunks" saga will not only involve Son Goku and his friends, but also the two Gods of Destruction Beerus and Champa, the Kaioshin and even the Omni-King Zeno, who governs the whole 12 universes. Other speculations and rumors hinted that Black Goku could be the the new "God of Destruction" in that timeline who likely went rogue, which could explain why Beerus, Champa and Zeno are involve in the conflict.

In addition, Future Trunk's hair color is also hinted that somehow he has reached the level of "Super Saiyan God Blue" form, while others believed that his hair color is a tribute to his mother Bulma, who is likely killed by Black Goku during his attack in the future.

So far, there are no further details regarding the "Future Trunks" saga has been revealed and "Dragon Ball Super" will be airing episodes 45 and 46 sometime this month as next story arc will launch on June 12, AnimeNewsNetwork reported.

"Dragon Ball Super" returns nextweek on Fuji TV.

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