'Thor: Ragnarok' spoilers: 'Planet Hulk' storyline to be added in the movie; Film director Taika Waititi teased a cameo appearance?

| Jun 02, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Thor: Ragnarok is third installment of the Thor movies as part of Phase 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios

"Thor: Ragnaroki" will feature a "Planet Hulk" storyline in the movie and director Taika Waititi teased a possible cameo appearance within the film.

The latest details for "Thor: Ragnarok" will explain how Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) will meet Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) as the third film will incorporated several elements from the "Planet Hulk" comic book storyline. The details revealed that Thor will land on an unknown planet and has to fight in some kind of gladiator style contest being held by The Grandmaster (Jeff Godlum).

In there Thor will encounter a much different looking Hulk as he sports a one-shoulder armor similar to the "Planet Hulk" comics. Thor himself will have a new look with a shaved head, but completely bold and the film's version of Valkryie (Tessa Thompson) will have a war paint similar to a Native American warriors.

Ruffalo stated in an interview that that Bruce Banner/Hulk will be on the run in "Ragnarok" as he tries to remove himself from the rest of humanity altogether. The film will explain more of Bruce Banner and the Hulk's relationship since they have different personality, while sharing the same body. Both their relationship with each other will start to strain as Rufflo explained that the producers are trying to "mess" with it, hinting away from the traditional Banner/Hulk scenario.

This sudden change will likely feature Hulk taking full control, remaining as the Green monster, while having Bruce Banner trapped in his mind and will likely show signs of intelligence than the classic child-like Hulk.

As for the film plot of "Thor: Ragnarok", the God of Thunder will be on a mission to find a powerful weapon that can stop the "Ragnarok" cycle and reset the whole universe. It is unknown as what kind of weapon it could be, but the main villain coud that of Hela (Cate Blanchett), the ruler of Hel, JoBlo reported.

In other news, director Taika Waititi expressed his desire to have a cameo in "Thor: Ragnarok" as he told The Daily Mail that he could not help himself and will likely pop-up somewhere within the movie.

This is not the first time Waititi had a cameo in a superhero movie as the director was seen portraying a character Thomas Kalmaku in 2011 "Green Lantern" movie starring Ryan Reynolds.

Waititi shared his experience while being part of the "Green Lantern" movie, commenting on the film's poor reception to the box office and admitted that he was not surprise about the results saying that being part of it, reading the script and seeing come into fruition is something very different.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is scheduled to be release on Nov. 3, 2017.

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