'Mass Effect 4: Andromeda' release date all set in March 2017; Get to know Ryder and other party members

| Jun 15, 2016 10:42 AM EDT

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" character looking over the horizon of an unknown world.

Soon enough, fans will finally get their hands on the newest installment of BioWare's famous game franchise, "Mass Effect: Andromeda." In the recently concluded E3 2016, some light has been shed on the new protagonist, Ryder.

During the event, it was announced that the protagonist will be named Ryder, IGN reported. The players will have the freedom to give the character its first name and could either be played as a male or female. Also, two party members will be named soon, who will come from the Asari and Krogan species.

As a teaser, creative director Mac Walters told Polygon at E3 that the new character will be nowhere close to Commander Shepard in terms of reputation and achievements. Ryder and some of his/her comrades will be unproven warriors whose fate depends on the players if they will come out as legends or busts. The story will begin with the character coming from a faraway land poised to explore a totally unknown terrain. This will be the transformation of an alien to a hero.

"People are kind of looking at you and going, 'Well, who are you and what are you doing here?'" Walters said in the interview. "This isn't your home and the only way that works is if we really make that an integral part of the story, and the story of the characters that you meet when you're there."

Also, the hero would not be as experienced as Shepard but he/she will be well-equipped with basic combat knowledge. The reason why the hero will not be part of any military organization is the development team wants the player to feel the sincerity of the protagonist in saving a planet, unlike a soldier who will be taking action only because it is a mission.

"We're freeing ourselves up with in this game," Walters added. "It's new to the protagonist in the story as well, so you get to experience it with them, ask all the questions that they're probably asking as well and kind of go on that journey together."

The game is currently set for release in March 2017. Here is the newest trailer for the upcoming game.

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