‘Here They Lie’ coming exclusively to PS4, PlayStation VR

| Jun 15, 2016 01:09 PM EDT

A mysterious woman, which seems to be wearing a mask, is running away from something that is chasing her.

"Here They Lie" will be coming exclusively to the PlayStation 4, and will be compatible with the PlayStation VR. The game will be a horror type of game as shown in the game trailer, which was released recently.

According to Gamespot, Sony Entertainment has just confirmed in a statement that they were going to release this new video game in Fall with no specific date. The game was developed by game developer The Tangentleman, which is a studio formed by developers who once worked on popular first person shooter "Call of Duty," and remastered classic adventure game franchise "Tomb Raider." Sony's External Development team at Santa Monica Studios was also in collaboration with the game developers to help in the game development.

The trailer is just a short teaser video, which can be viewed below. From the video itself, it shows that it is a horror type of game, and it sets the tone, but there was no gameplay shown. Game developer co-creative director Cory Davis explained on the official blog of PlayStation that this new game is a dark psychological horror experience that places players in a strange world inhabited by weird and malevolent creatures, and these monsters might be lurking around every corner, waiting to haunt and infect the minds of the players.

While the trailer was just short, viewers could see some hints of what they could expect when they will play it. The video showed a person wearing a pig helmet, which seems to be stomping a person in garbs, and there were also some cockroaches that were going out a grate and some bats flying through a dark city. It also showed how the art style would look like in the game, which looks like cel-shaded and stylized.

Davis said that the focus of this game was on the narrative, and it lets players experience the dread and horror unlike any other horror games out there. He also assures that this game is not like the regular or typical survival horror games, which are really popular recently.

Check out the PlayStation VR video game's short teaser trailer video below:

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