Time Out Survey Reveals The Sexiest Accent On The Planet, And It’s Not French

| Feb 12, 2015 01:43 PM EST

"Harry Potter" alum Emma Watson plays Belle in "Beauty And The Beast."

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, love is in the air worldwide in the form of sexy accents. And the consensus is that the Brits deserve an award for the sexiest accents.

The result is based on a dating survey located at Time Out. Based on the answers from the 11,000 participants, 27 percent of them judge the British accent to be the sexiest one on the planet, according to Yahoo.   

It is interesting to note that Time Out magazine is produced in London. However, in fairness participants in 24 cities around the globe took the survey, according to Today. Also, the Brits got about three times more votes than the second spot did.   

It would be easy to assume that the French language would be near the top of the list. However, the "language of love" actually placed at the fifth spot on the list.

The American accent placed second. Meanwhile, Irish ranked third, and Australian earned the fourth spot on the list.

Rounding out the list were Italian, Spanish, Scottish, Latin American, and Scandinavian. They finished in the sixth to tenth spots, respectively.

It is quite a phenomenon that the particular accent a person has can cause us to be attracted to him or her. On the other hand, that accent is not a factor in determining if someone will be a good match for us.

This Valentine's Day, we will hear the voices of our lovers' or spouses' voices, and it will be music to our ears. Any accent will do!

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