Xbox One S Performance Boost Disproved by Microsoft; HDR On Screen Only

| Jun 18, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

Xbox is a video gaming brand created and owned by Microsoft.

Xbox One S CPU with GPU for HDR support implementation in games has no impact at all, as stated by the official statement of Microsoft. These technologies are integrated to make use of the thinner HDR system support.

High Dynamic Range on televisions has an expanded color and contrast range, hence, present a more vibrant and brighter visual experience. "Gears of War 4" for instance is one of the games that are HDR technology supported to be released on Oct. 11. Rod Fergusson, head of "Gears of War 4" said that the Xbox One S would produce high quality performance in its resolutions and frame rates. However, Games will look the same on both Xbox One and Xbox One S despite the modest processing power boost.  

Xbox One S changes were made for the 4k video quality and unlock slight processing power that enables HDR. Albert Panello, Planning lead for Xbox, stated that it has the same design and function as the existing Xbox One S predecessor. Speculations that GPU and CPU could overlock Xbox one were deined by Panello, Eurogamer reported. Panello insisted that there will be "literally" no impact at all.

The same statement was told by the Xbox division lead, Phil Spencer. The definite feature change is HDR as well as an increase in HDMI capability. Spence added that these integrated technology has high dynamic range support. Games are expected to be played the same way as Xbox One; it will not play better than the original. However, other minor differences were not disclosed further, which mostly happens when multiple hardware iterations are done inside.The Xbox leads are avoiding to make the public think that the changes were for performance boost and instead emphasized  "HDR on-screen," the technology that the company is explicitly marketing about.

Xbox One S was revealed at the E3 press conference of Microsoft. Prices are $300, $350 and $400 for 500 gb, 1 TB and 2 TB accordingly, Gamespot reported. A new Xbox One S Scorpio, which will work on all Xbox consoles, was announced at the same time. This supports more advanced 4k gaming.

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